how to set the textStyle of word 1 of the selection?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Mar 16 16:43:54 EDT 2010

Andre.Bisseret wrote:

> Then, I am looking for a solution. I will try to control the selection 
> made by the user and to edit it.

Does this work?

on mouseUp
   get the selection
   put word 1 of it into tWord
   if tWord = "" then exit mouseUp
   put (word 2 of the selectedchunk)-1 into tStart
   set the textstyle of char (offset(tWord,it))+tStart to \
	len(tWord)+tStart of fld 1 to "link"
end mouseUp

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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