Card Name space conflicts in the Rev IDE

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Mar 15 14:35:15 EDT 2010

stephen barncard wrote:
> In my last attempt, the names of the two *stacks* are the default ones upon
> creation.  I then attempt to name the first card of the substack. I can
> click on the substack, and I'll see one card in the inspector nav, select
> it, rename the card, and then bring the main stack to the front, and use the
> inspector to see the first card of the mainstack - and it has the name I
> gave the substack card.

Here is what I did:

Create new mainstack "Untitled 1"
Create new substack of mainstack, "Untitled 2"

Right-click on mainstack with edit tool. Choose "card property 
inspector". Name card 1 of mainstack.

Right-click on substack with edit tool. Choose "card property 
inspector". Name card 1 of substack.

That works. I can also do it with the little arrow at the right side of 
the Inspector, but that's trickier with potential glitches. So if there 
is a bug, it's in that arrow somewhere, but possibly more in the 
interface design than in the implementation, because if you do things in 
exactly the right order the arrow works. But it's not as easy as just 
clicking on the stack.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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