Color cursors in RunRev 4.5?

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Tue Mar 9 14:25:44 EST 2010

2010/3/9 William de Smet <williamdesmet at>:
> Hi there all,
> Can anyone give me a clue on how the color cursors work in the coming update
> 4.5?
> On what platforms will it be supported?
> Now I use  'set cursor to hand' a lot.
> Will this be colored too?

Hi William,

Here is the quick runrev note about this feature:

Cursor support has been improved. Cursors can now be set from any
image, and the engine will process it appropriately depending on the
- Windows XP and above support full alpha-blended cursors up to 64x64
- Linux supports alpha blended cursors up to a size of 64x64 on recent X servers
- Mac OS X supports alpha blended cursors up to 256x256.
The engine will automatically scale down, or reduce the number of
colors if it needs to do so for the cursor to be usable on the running


-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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