FTP uploads with curl - monitoring progress - any ideas?

Phil Davis revdev at pdslabs.net
Thu Mar 4 15:16:29 EST 2010

Hi Ken,

If you open curl as a process, you can then read the status info one 
line at a time. Would that work?

Here's one way (courtesy of Josh Mellicker, with some mods):

-- a button script --

local vCurlProcess

on mouseUp
    put empty into fld "output"
    put formattedForCurl(fld "filename") into tFiles

    put ("curl -T" && tFiles && fld "server" && "-C -") into vCurlProcess
    open process vCurlProcess for read
    get the result
    if it = empty
    then send "getCurlReport" to me in 12 ticks
    else answer it
end mouseUp

on getCurlReport
    read from process vCurlProcess for 1 line
    put it after fld "output"
    if it = empty
    then closeCurl
    else send "getCurlReport" to me in 12 ticks
end getCurlReport

on closeCurl
    close process vCurlProcess
    answer "Done."
end closeCurl

function formattedForCurl pFileList
    -- handle single file selection
    if the number of lines in pFileList = 1 then return quote & 
pFileList & quote

    -- handle multi file selections
    replace CR with "," in pFileList
    put quote & "{" & pFileList & "}" & quote into tList
    return tList
end formattedForCurl

There you have it!

On 3/4/10 10:28 AM, Ken Ray wrote:
> I have some large files (100MB +) that I need to FTP to a customer's server.
> I have tried to use libURL to do the uploading, but I get odd results/random
> timeouts/errant status messages when the file I'm uploading is over 40MB.
> I've tried many different workarounds to this, but none have been
> consistent/acceptable so for this project I'm seeing if I can use curl.
> The pain is that there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve the progress of
> an FTP upload so I can display a custom upload box. If I redirect it to
> dev/null, I get control back after the upload starts, but I can't get any
> progress data:
>     curl -T filePath -u user:pass serverAdress>  /dev/null 2>&1&
> If I redirect to stdin, it's blocking and I only get anything when the
> upload is complete:
>     curl -T filePath -u user:pass serverAdress>  stdin
> I've also tried:
>     curl -T filePath -u user:pass serverAdress>  stdin&
>     curl -T filePath -u user:pass serverAdress>  stdin 2>&1&
> Is there any way to make a non-blocking call to curl, but then to get back
> the progress text that would normally be displayed in the Terminal?
> Any help would be appreciated...
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
> Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
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Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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