How do I change the script for 100 buttons in one time?

David Coker davidocoker at
Thu Mar 4 14:07:07 EST 2010

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:46 PM, William de Smet
<williamdesmet at> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a stack with 100 buttons in it and they all have the same script.
> The buttons are called "d1" to "d100".
> How do I change the code for all of them in one time?
> I don't feel like copy/paste 100 times.

Hello William,
I once had the same issue with my little "Sign Language" stack and the
late Eric Chatonet provided me with a tip that worked very well for
me. Would something like this work as a stack script:

on mouseUp
  if "button" is in the target then
    --do something here--
  end if
end mouseUp

David C.

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