Sticky popup?

dfepstein at dfepstein at
Thu Mar 4 10:22:26 EST 2010

Scott Rossi asked "Is there any way to make the action of popping up a menu "sticky"?" 

To imitate a "sticky popup" I show a stack (named here "L9nav") with empty decorations, whose buttons trigger the desired actions and cause the stack to close.  And I include in the stack an invisible graphic named "auto" whose script, when in use, causes the stack to close when there's a click somewhere outside the stack. 

On mousedown: 

insert script of graphic "auto" of stack "L9nav" into front 

go stack "L9nav" as palette 

Graphic "auto" has this script: 

on focusIn 

get the short name of this stack 

if it is not "L9nav" then close stack "L9nav" 

pass focusIn 

end focusIn 

on openField 

get the short name of this stack 

if it is not "L9nav" then close stack "L9nav" 

pass openField 

end openField 

And "L9nav" itself has this script: 

on closeStack 

if there is not a graphic "auto" then exit closeStack 

get the long name of graphic "auto" 

remove script of it from front 

end closeStack 

David Epstein

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