Sticky Popup?

Scott Rossi scott at
Wed Mar 3 19:47:58 EST 2010

Is there any way to make the action of popping up a menu "sticky"?

I'm trying to work around a menu text color problem by using "proxy" buttons
to pop up File/Edit/Help menus.  Popping up a menu behaves similarly to
directly clicking the menu button, except that the menu is not "sticky" --
the menu doesn't stay opened when the mouse is released.  Is there any way
to simulate this sticky behavior when using the popup command?

(BTW, the text color issue is due to using a custom menu color scheme and
differences between XP and Vista.   On Vista, menus are drawn with their own
default color scheme, so changing the text color of the menu button has no
bearing on the menu.  But on XP, the text in a menu is affected by the
textcolor of the menu button, so making the textcolor anything besides black
makes the menu difficult to read.)

Thanks for any suggestions.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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