Docking Stacks

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Tue Mar 2 17:32:27 EST 2010

2010/3/2 Andrew Kluthe <andrew at>:
> I searched around and haven't really found anything about interactions
> between multiple stacks similar to docking.
> The Problem: I have 4 stacks That I want to dock to the edges of each other
> (open on the edge, snap to the edge, etc).
> 1. Two of the stacks are menu stacks on either side of the larger main
> stack:
> One of these is used a menu to navigate the different aspects of the app.
> The other is used to display a report list depending on the selection in the
> menu stack.
> 2. A stack on the bottom to continually display help information.
> 3. The main stack is in the middle of all of this and the others need to
> snap/dock/open on the edge of this stack.
> [Menu stack][----MAIN STACK----][Reports Stack]
> [----------Help Stack---------------]
> Any ideas on how to start adding this functionality?

Hi Andrew,

In my color picker projects I'm using a send message in time form to
"dock" the picker at the bottom of the RR tools palette

on preopenCard
end preopenCard

constant kRevToolsPalette = "RevTools"

command scanForRevToolsEvent pToolsRect, pVisibility, pMode, pTool
   local tTheCurrenctRect, tTheCurrentVisibility, tCurrentMode, tCurrentTool

   put the rect of stack kRevToolsPalette into tTheCurrenctRect
   put the visible of stack kRevToolsPalette into tTheCurrentVisibility
   put the mode of stack kRevToolsPalette into tCurrentMode
   put the tool into tCurrentTool

   if (there is no stack "pickerDragControl") then
         case (tTheCurrenctRect is not pToolsRect) -- The tool palette
change of rect or loc
            set the topLeft of this stack to the bottomLeft of stack
            go to this stack
         case (tTheCurrentVisibility is not pVisibility) -- The
visibility of the tool palette has changed
            set the visible of this stack to tTheCurrentVisibility
         case (tCurrentMode is not pMode) -- The tools palette has
been closed or opened
            set the visible of this stack to (pMode is 0)
         case  (tCurrentTool is not pTool) -- the tool has changed
            go to this stack
      end switch
   end if

   send "scanForRevToolsEvent
tTheCurrenctRect,tTheCurrentVisibility,tCurrentMode,tCurrentTool" to
me in 100 milliseconds

end scanForRevToolsEvent

In case of some of this code could be useful for you.

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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