Need Help with Geometry
Gregory Lypny
gregory.lypny at
Tue Jun 29 10:16:02 EDT 2010
Hi Ken,
Thanks for responding. Yes (I think --- that's a whole lotta numbers you've got down there!), the top-left corner of the topmost field should remain fixed. As the stack window is enlarged, the topmost field should grow proportionately downwards and to the right. The field below should do the same, but because it is below, it's position must be shifted downwards to keep, as in your example, ten pixels between the fields, because the field above it is growing downwards.
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010, at 8:08 AM, use-revolution-request at wrote:
> Message: 27
> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:30:43 -0500
> From: Ken Ray <kray at>
> Subject: Re: Need Help with Geometry
> To: Use Revolution List <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <C84EA8E3.43580%kray at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> Not quite sure how to set the Geometry manager to get the results I want. I
>> have two fields that are the exactly same size with one siting above the other
>> and their left edges aligned. I'd like them to scale proportionately both
>> width-wise and length-wise to the lower right, keeping the vertical distance
>> between them constant. In other words, I want the two fields to get bigger or
>> smaller together and keep the same distance apart. Thought it would be easy,
>> but I've tried many different combinations of settings in the Geometry manager
>> with no luck. Any advice would be most appreciated.
> So should the topLeft of the topmost field stay in the same place as you
> resize? Just trying to understand...
> For example, if you start with two fields that are 100 pixels wide by 50
> pixels tall with 10 pixels between them, and 10 pixels from the right edge
> of the fields to the right side of the card, and 10 pixels from the bottom
> edge of the bottom field to the bottom of the card, and the starting height
> of the card is 500, and the starting width of the card was 400, that means
> that the topleft of the topmost field would be at
> (400-110),(500-(50+50+10+10)) or 290,380 and the topleft of the bottom field
> would be at (400-110),(500-(50+10)) or 290,440.
> If you then resize the stack to make it 100 pixels wider and 100 pixels
> taller, then that would leave the top field's topleft at 290,390, both
> fields would be 50 pixels taller (splitting the difference between the two
> of them and maintaining the 10 pixel gap), so the bottom field's topleft
> would be 290,(600-(100+10)) or 290,490... is that right?
> Just checking...
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