Line Numbers in Text Editor

Klaus on-rev klaus at
Fri Jun 25 05:39:10 EDT 2010

Hi Justin,

Am 25.06.2010 um 10:49 schrieb BNig:

> Justin,
> look at the formattedText property of a text field. It gives you the the
> text of a field and inserts returns where the line wraps otherwise. This way
> you have a line count of the field which matches what you see and not the
> number of returns.
> put the formattedText of field "myWrappingField" into temp
> put the number of lines of temp

or, if you are in a hurry:
put the num of lines of the formattedtext of fld "Bernd's WrappingField"


> regards
> Bernd



Klaus Major
klaus at

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