Drag and Drop on revBrowser...

Jerry Daniels jerry.daniels at me.com
Thu Jun 24 16:05:24 EDT 2010


I ran into this with Rodeo's built-in browser and I found a way to make my URL field update after navigating to another page--which sounds a lot like your problem.

put the mouseScreenLoc into tLoc
set the mouseScreenLoc to the topleft of this stack
set the mouseScreenLoc to tLoc

This was on Mac Snow Leopard. I could not tell the cursor was moved and my URL field updated immediately. I did ran this cde within the browserNavigateComplete message. handler



Jerry Daniels

Follow the Rodeo discussion:

On Jun 24, 2010, at 1:09 PM, Simon Lord wrote:

> So the issue of not updating the URL until the mouse leaves the
> revBrowser is a bit of a pain.  When I drag an image from the desktop
> to the stack the image immediately pops up in the browser as expected.
> But the URL doesn't upload until the mouse is *outside* the bounds of
> the browser.  Since the mouse *must* be within the bounds to drop the
> image it means this is a fairly repeatable bug.
> Is there any way to detect a drag&drop on the revBrowser so I can
> force a URL refresh?
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