ObjectList as a variable won't go?

Michael Kristensen michael-kristensen at dsa-net.dk
Mon Jun 21 14:15:03 EDT 2010

> Hi Michael,
> The following example works:
> select control 1 and control 2
> As always: what is the chunk error exactly? When you *mention* getting
> an error, you should also *post* this error.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille

Thanks for the replies:

Here is the error:

Type	Chunk: error in object expression
Object	Copy to 1:1
Line	group oList
Hint	grp GP1 and grp GP2 and grp GP3

If I take the hint line and put Select or Group in front of it, it  
works, so why does it not work as a variable?


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