Help with drill-down script
Emmett Gray
film2 at
Mon Jun 21 10:17:41 EDT 2010
Sorry for the long post. I've now got the last of
my currently-in-use HC stacks running in Rev, so
I'm finally retiring HC/Sheepshaver. This last
stack was huge, a labor of love for 20 years.
It's an address book whose feature set has not
been matched by a commercial application.
Anyway, there's one feature: the first card is an
index of all the cards in the stack. In HC, all
you need to do is start typing and as you add
letters, the selected line changes to reflect
what you've typed. When you get to what you want,
you hit return and that takes you to the
respective card.
Anyway, it's not working in Rev. What happens is,
it selects the first line with the first letter
you type, but stalls there. Then, if you hit
return, it does nothing, just sits there. And if
you wait and start over, it doesn't respond. to
that either, the original selection remains. You
have to clear that selection to get it to start
I don' have any idea what to do.
The relevant field properties in Rev are shared
text, lock text, vertical scroll bar, list
Here's the HC script:
on keyDown theKey -- this is for selecting &
scrolling the index fields & the notes field &
the inform field
global keyBuff, keyTime, indexLine, keywait,
activeField --there are both white and yellow
--White pages is "Index", yellow pages is "Yndex"
if theKey is in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
then --user typed something to respond to
if the selectedField is empty then -- no
cursor in a field, otherwise enter text in a field
if the visible of fld activeField is true
then --make sure we're looking at the proper field
if the visible of the message is false
then -- so it's available when needed
put activeField into theFld
select line 0 of fld theFld
put 0 into item 1 of indexLine
put the ticks into theTime
if theTime - keyTime < keyWait then put theKey after keyBuff
--keyWait is how long to wait before
discarding the buffer and starting over
else put theKey into keyBuff
put theTime into keyTime
get findIndexLetter(keyBuff, theFld)
if it = 0 then
put "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzz"
into theAlph -- extra z because looking for next
put offset(theKey,theAlph) into numTries
repeat with x = numTries + 1 to number of chars of theAlph
get findIndexLetter((char numTries - x of theAlph), theFld)
if it > 0 then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if it = 0 then
repeat with x = -1 to numTries - 1
get findIndexLetter((char numTries - x of theAlph), theFld)
if it > 0 then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
end if
set scroll of fld theFld to it * (textHeight of fld theFld)
if number of lines of fld theFld - it < 22 then
select line it of fld theFld
put it into item 1 of indexLine
put theFld into item 2 of indexLine
end if
keyDown numToChar(31)
pass keyDown
end if
pass keyDown
end if
pass keyDown
end if
else -- not an alpha character
get charToNum(theKey)
if (space & it & space) is not in " 11 12 30
31 " then -- pageup & pagedown, up & down arrows
if it = 1 then go card 1 --home key
else pass keyDown -- not trapped key so get out
else --trapped key, proceed
if the number of this card = 1 then
if the selectedField is not empty then
pass keyDown --conditions not met, get out
if the visible of fld "inform" is false
then --another field that might be showing instead
if it = 11 or it = 30 then
if the optionKey is not down and it = 30 then
grabLine -1, activeField
set scroll of fld activeField to
scroll of fld activeField - 252
end if
else if it = 12 or it = 31 then
if the optionKey is not down and it = 31 then
grabLine 1, activeField
set scroll of fld activeField to
scroll of fld activeField + 252
end if
end if
else --inform field is showing, not the
index so do something else, not relevant to this
if it = 11 then drag from 460,52 to
460,51-- vals for "notes", change to scroll method
drag from 460,213 to 460,214
end if
end if
end if
else -- not card 1
-- the index field is normally hidden
except on card 1 but can be show on any card
if the selectedField is not empty then --
13 is lookup;1 (last name),2,3,4,5 (sift),8
if (the visible of fld " Index " is
false and the visible of fld " Yndex " is false)
-- scroll notes, see below too
if it = 11 then set scroll of fld
"Notes" to scroll of fld "Notes" - 182
else if it = 12 then set scroll of
fld "Notes" to scroll of fld "Notes" + 182
else pass keyDown -- it's not page up or down
end if
if (the visible of fld " Index " is
true or the visible of fld " Yndex " is true) then
if the visible of fld " Index " is
true then put " Index " into theFld
else put " Yndex " into theFld
if it = 11 or it = 30 then
if the optionKey is not down and it = 30 then
grabLine -1, theFld
set scroll of fld theFld to scroll of fld theFld - 252
end if
else if it = 12 or it = 31 then
if the optionKey is not down and it = 31 then
grabLine 1, theFld
set scroll of fld theFld to scroll of fld theFld + 252
end if
else -- get out, index showing and no valid key
pass keyDown
end if
else -- Notes field showing; had to do
this twice to enable scrolling with cursor in a
if it = 11 then
set scroll of fld "Notes" to scroll of fld "Notes" - 182
else if it = 12 then set scroll of
fld "Notes" to scroll of fld "Notes" + 182
else pass keyDown
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end keyDown
function findIndexLetter theKey, theFld --
returns line of theKey or of first found
letter(s) of theKey
get number of lines in char 1 to (offset(return
& theKey, fld theFld)) of fld theFld
if (it = 0) then if (number of chars of theKey > 1) then
repeat with x = (number of chars of theKey - 1) down to 1
get number of lines in char 1 to
(offset(return & (char 1 to x of theKey), fld
theFld)) of fld theFld
if it > 0 then exit repeat
end repeat
end if
return it
end findIndexLetter
on grabLine upOrDown, newFld
global indexLine
put item 1 of indexLine into theLine
put item 2 of indexLine into theFld
if newFld theFld then
select line 0 of fld theFld -- deselect other fld
put 0 into theLine
end if
put newFld into theFld
put scroll of fld theFld into theScroll
if theScroll mod 12 0 then -- take care of last page with bogus scroll
repeat until theScroll mod 12 = 0
add -1 to theScroll
end repeat
set the scroll of fld theFld to theScroll
end if
if theLine < 1 then
put scroll of fld theFld into theScroll
put theScroll/12 + 1 into theLine
if not (theLine = number of lines of fld theFld and upOrDown = 1) then
add upOrDown to theLine
end if
end if
if theLine = 1 then add 1 to theLine
select line (theLine) of fld theFld
if (scroll of fld theFld)/12 theLine then
set scroll of fld theFld to round(theLine * 12) - 264 --scroll up one page
end if
put theLine into item 1 of indexLine
put theFld into item 2 of indexLine
end grabLine
on returnKey
global indexLine
if the optionKey is not down and the visible of fld "inform" is false then
get item 1 of indexLine
if it >1 then
if item 2 of indexLine is " Index "
go card it
goToHeading (line it of fld " Yndex ")
--Heading is a yellow page category
end if
if the visible of cd btn 1 is true then
click at the loc of btn "proceed"
else pass returnKey
end if
else pass returnKey
end returnKey
on selectNot
global indexLine
select line 0 of fld (item 2 of indexLine)
put 0 into item 1 of indexLine
end selectNo
Thanks for reading this far. And since you did, I
can't resist mentioning some of the features of
this stack:
1) Smart synchronization: if the copy at the
office gets a new email address and the same
person at home gets a new cell phone number, both
are kept and the card is flagged and put in a
list. You can deal with it later, like when you
next go to that card which shows the dates of
both new entries, or go through the list if you
2) Parsing of clipboard data, from v-cards, email
signatures and the like, when making new entries.
3) A "Business" checkbox which then alphabetizes
business names phone-book style, ignoring and
initial "The" etc.
4) Auto-capitalization; you don't have to hit the
shift key when entering names. It's smart, knows
about "de" and "von" etc.
5) One-click or keystroke phone dialing, via a
modem, Skype out, or Skype-to-Skype (if there's a
Skype name in the Notes field).
6) Envelope printing of 4 different custom styles (size, return address)
7) Sifting to create subsets (Christmas card
lists, European contacts, email addresses, etc.)
for export in CSV or tab-delimited format
8) Smart printing of Filofax-style pages (no
entry broken over a page; print one side, turn
the stack over and print again, all comes out in
proper order)
9) Ability to change the spelling or
capitalization of a name, then automatically
moved to where it belongs as needed, and have the
corresponding Yellow or White pages version
10) Hidden "Filed as" field to override the
default alphabetization, useful for names like
"van Beethoven" - filed under v or b?
11) URL launching (grabs the first or selected
email or web address) and file/app launching such
as Word templates, with the appropriate info
(name and address) in the clipboard
12) Unlimited delete and restore of cards (until you quit).
13) Name conflict resolution: If you have a John
Smith entry, and make a new John Smith card, you
get an alert that he's there already. You can
delete the new one, the old one, or keep both
14) A database of national and international area
codes so if you have an unknown phone number you
can see where it's probably located
15) And of course it relies on HC/Rev's brilliant
"Find" so you can for example type a first name
and a state abbreviation or city name to find
someone whose last name you don't remember, but
you know where they live
16) Customizable abbreviations expanded on
address data entry: ny expands to New York, NY
and de expands to Germany, but only if followed
by a space (or nothing) and must be the first
characters of the last line in the address field.
17) Phone numbers corrected to be in a standard
form (dots & parentheses replaced by dashes). US
numbers get 1- in front, other countries get
their country code - you can use the
abbreviations used in the Address field such as
de for Germany to enter the proper country code
so you don't have to remember it.
There's more but I'll stop now...
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