[OT] Adobe and Apple

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at proactive-intl.com
Fri Jun 18 00:37:48 EDT 2010

> > Adobe isn't alone in acquiring something, then selling it 
> off, killing 
> > it or letting a product languish. Not much worse than others.
> Better than a lot of others.
> Look at Corel. Or Computer Associates.
> "Where software goes to die"

Oh, yeah, esp CA. They were the bottom feeders of the software world. I
recall years ago they would acquire some technical product with old
technology and a reasonably large user base - for very little money. Then
charge for *every* update, the .01 updates.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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