AW: How to implement a timebased reminder?

Jim Ault jimaultwins at
Fri Jun 11 09:16:59 EDT 2010

On Jun 11, 2010, at 5:34 AM, Kee Nethery wrote:
> The only trick to all of this is I have no idea what happens with  
> the send in message if your computer has gone to sleep.
> If I was going to build it ...
> Kee

One method is to have an TimerAgentApp.rev that scans, then notifies  
another MainApp.rev that it is time to check

I use an FTPagent.rev app to scan the output of a Photoshop action  
script to move, rename, and upload files automatically.

Scott Rossi   TimeSpinner stack
A cool design of this a sample stack written by Scott Rossi called  
    The name refers to the dramatic visual effect he demonstatrates.
    I used this as an app for my time and date display for a *couple  
    It ran *flawlessly*, even after waking from sleep mode.

The second app can use a constant 'send in' since it only has one loop  
to run.
Another approach that is less user friendly...
.. program a CRON job, which would be active whenever the *nix system  
is running in the correct mode.

Another trigger that would be persistent is to use text files, then  
look for them
The agent looking could be the cron task script that detects a file  
and the Rev app running, then sends the trigger.

Hope this helps with adding confusion.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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