Restore Windows Start Button?

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Jul 29 18:24:03 EDT 2010

Recently, Andre Garzia wrote:

>> Anyone have another suggestion to restore the Start button?
> Make a almost transparent tiny stack with no decorations, float it over the
> start button, it should force windows GUI subsystem to repaint that thing
> right? (not tested)

Thanks for the suggestion but stacks positioned around taskbar don't appear
to force any refresh (even tried a systemWindow stack).

Guess I'll use brute force mouse repositioning. I have the interval set at
10 millisecs and it seems pretty unnoticeable.  Lame, but FWIW:

command restoreVistaStartButton
   put screenRect() into tRect
   put item 1 of tRect + 20,item 4 of tRect - 20 into tLoc
   put the screenMouseLoc into origLoc
   set the screenMouseLoc to tLoc
   wait 10 millisecs with messages
   set the screenMouseLoc to origLoc
end restoreVistaStartButton


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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