Quality Control Center - handling of bug reports

Bob Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Wed Jul 28 20:36:00 EDT 2010

Let me just say that for a development environment, Revolution is about the most inexpensive one I found. It shouldn't surprise me that RunRev Inc. does not have the resources to do everything that everyone demands. 

No developer allows the "public" to see what they are doing internally to debug their software. No dev team makes their discussions about bugs public! That is just silly to expect that. I think the problem is we have such a real community of people here, we forget that unless we are getting a check from RunRev every month, we are, in fact, the public. 

So I say, thank you RunRev for adding all the cool features I whined about in the beginning, like a table object for instance, and not getting too hung up with squashing bugs that only affect one or two people and have a workaround anyway. And thanks to Trevor for making a database library that I can use without having to learn SQL <shudders uncontrollably>. And thanks to everyone else that makes cool things with Revolution so that RunRev doesn't have to. 

Bugs are a bummer, but I think the only bugs that really require immediate resolution are the fatal ones. Prompt attention should be given to non-fatal ones with no workaround. Non-fatal bugs with a workaround, bah! I'd rather see new features then have RunRev get hung up in those. 

Really, I think we need to quantify how many fatal bugs RunRev has left outstanding, and judge them on that. I don't know of any. When I started using Revolution I was getting hangs and crash to desktop pretty regularly. Now I rarely get them, and none have ever whacked my stacks, at least to my knowledge. 


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