Quality Control Center - handling of bug reports

Kevin Miller kevin at runrev.com
Wed Jul 28 17:51:39 EDT 2010

On 28/07/2010 21:59, "Ben Rubinstein" <benr_mc at cogapp.com> wrote:

> Two reasons why I think this is worth the time: one is just PR.
> The second is to preserve a valued resource. RunRev is not Microsoft.  It
> cannot employ hundreds of testers in a well equipped config lab. Rev is a
> fantastically complex product. There are inevitably masses of issues in Rev.
> RunRev cannot hope to find more than some of the ones in the new features that
> they are working on.  They can keep adding new features, each with new bugs,
> and never fix (because never find) more than a few of the old ones; I doubt if
> this is a route to massive success.  If they wish to do any better than this
> at improving the quality of the product, the work of their users in noting,
> isolating and reporting problems is absolutely essential.  Users will do this
> for two reasons: selfish (they want this issue fixed) and unselfish (they've
> found a workaround so it doesn't bother them any more, but think it would help
> others and the product if it was fixed).  Both motives will not survive the
> appearance that their efforts are wasted.

There will be a completely new approach to bug management introduced at the
point that we ship 4.5. We'll elaborate on the details when we introduce it.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ kevin at runrev.com ~ http://www.runrev.com/
RunRev - Software construction for everyone

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