Regarding Rodeo discussions

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Sun Jul 25 23:21:26 EDT 2010


Sunday, July 25, 2010, 7:49:30 PM, you wrote:

> It could help if we had a commmon list of suggested [tags] to use as filters
> for topics and pass the word to use them. I'd really prefer that every
> datagrid question start with [Datagrid] and so on... 
> So far I used [OT] [datagrid] [audio] [rodeo]  what do you think? 

AGH for a couple of reasons: first of all, if I had a question about
whether datagrids worked on Rodeo and wasn't sure if it should be on
this list or the Rodeo list, the subject line would look like

[OT][Datagrid][Rodeo] actual text

which would start to get unreadable very quickly. And my inbox would
start to fill up with [] tags even quicker. Second, many questions
that seem to be about one topic are actually about another: witness
the tRev on Win7 discussion becoming a thread about sockets, etc. It's
even harder on newbies because you have to have a pretty fair grip on
things in the first place to know what tags to insert, so it would be
a disincentive to asking questions.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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