Heading down the home stretch
David C.
davidocoker at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 14:18:38 EDT 2010
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 12:25 PM, Mark Talluto
<userev at canelasoftware.com> wrote:
> Congratulations! This is very exciting news.
> On Jul 22, 2010, at 2:06 PM, David C. wrote:
>> Question 1:
>> On Windows, what is a sure fire, "will work" folder/filepath location
>> (specialFolderPath) where I can place the preference file/stack that
>> Zygodact needs to use for basic registration security and/or storing
>> user data, regardless of user permission settings?
> We use specialFolderPath(26)
>> Question 2:
>> Should I have the installer create the target folder for the
>> preference stack and copy the file accordingly or is it better/easier
>> to cobble together a routine directly in my application to handle
>> that?
> We have our app do all the arrangements if the file is to be created in real time. If you have a prefs file that is ready to go then have the installer place it for you.
>> Question 3:
>> Do separate sub-stacks need to have the .rev extension or can they be
>> named using something else? MyStack.rev >> MyStack.blah
> You can name your substacks what you like without the dot.rev.
>> Question 4:
>> Should I be concerned about encrypting any sub-stacks, should I choose
>> to separate them?
> If there is code in the substacks that you would like to protect, then you should encrypt them as well.
>> That's about it in a nutshell. I've read just about everything I can
>> find here on the list as well in the documentation on these subjects,
>> but I'm still not convinced that I understand it all well enough. I
>> just need some solid advice from those that have already "been there,
>> done that" so I can get this puppy finished up and out there.
> Good luck with your sales. It would be fun to know what you have created (web page?), and how you plan to market it.
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto
Thanks Mark!
Appreciate your input, sir.
I hope to have the packaging (installer) worked out and everything
functional over the weekend and then have the first week in August as
a launch target, but there is still plenty left to do. I've maintained
a handful of unused domains over the years, so I'll be switching hats
and building a site/page for it pretty quickly...
...and here is the kicker:
Although I honestly never intended for it to be (the initial concept
for my project began some 5 years ago), it's a bit competitive to an
offering by another member here on the list, so I want to
apologetically contact them first <hat in hand> and let them know
what's going on. <sigh>
Once all of the above is done, I'll do a small announcement and let
you folks have a look-see.
Best regards,
David C.
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