Heading down the home stretch

Mark Talluto userev at canelasoftware.com
Fri Jul 23 13:25:00 EDT 2010

Congratulations!  This is very exciting news.

On Jul 22, 2010, at 2:06 PM, David C. wrote:
> Question 1:
> On Windows, what is a sure fire, "will work" folder/filepath location
> (specialFolderPath) where I can place the preference file/stack that
> Zygodact needs to use for basic registration security and/or storing
> user data, regardless of user permission settings?
We use specialFolderPath(26)

> Question 2:
> Should I have the installer create the target folder for the
> preference stack and copy the file accordingly or is it better/easier
> to cobble together a routine directly in my application to handle
> that?
We have our app do all the arrangements if the file is to be created in real time.  If you have a prefs file that is ready to go then have the installer place it for you.
> Question 3:
> Do separate sub-stacks need to have the .rev extension or can they be
> named using something else? MyStack.rev >> MyStack.blah
You can name your substacks what you like without the dot.rev.
> Question 4:
> Should I be concerned about encrypting any sub-stacks, should I choose
> to separate them?
If there is code in the substacks that you would like to protect, then you should encrypt them as well.
> That's about it in a nutshell. I've read just about everything I can
> find here on the list as well in the documentation on these subjects,
> but I'm still not convinced that I understand it all well enough. I
> just need some solid advice from those that have already "been there,
> done that" so I can get this puppy finished up and out there.

Good luck with your sales.  It would be fun to know what you have created (web page?), and how you plan to market it.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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