On-Rev [Off Topic?]
David C.
davidocoker at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 12:51:38 EDT 2010
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Gregory Lypny
<gregory.lypny at videotron.ca> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> My apologies if this is not the right discussion list for an On-Rev question. I've tinkered with On-Rev but I can 't seem to get it to display the date and time in a page created with Freeway Pro. The code was placed using an HMTL markup item inserted into an HTML text box.
> <?rev
> put the long date && the long time
> ?>
> Nothing is displayed. The page is located in public_html folder on On-Rev. Looking at it through an FTP client, I can see that it has read and write permissions but not execute permissions.
> However, the code works if I put the it into a file and access it through an iFrame as
> <iFrame
> src="http://pareto.on-rev.com/DateTest.irev"
> </iFrame>
> Why doesn't this first way work? (Or, given that I've probably posted to the wrong place, where can I find out how to make this work?)
> Best regards,
> Gregory
Hello Gregory,
This may be completely out of the ballpark, but does the the
non-working version also have the .irev extension as does your iFrame
Best regards,
David C.
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