RunRev, Linux, Multiple desktops
Mark Wieder
mwieder at
Sat Jul 17 13:40:18 EDT 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010, 12:47:52 AM, you wrote:
> What happens with Rev is that the functionality to move windows around is
> there and working fine, what goes wrong is the next step, the ability to use
> those windows where they are, and have them stay put.
Out of curiosity, what do you get when you "put the working
screenrects"? Is this just one line or do you get multiple lines for
the virtual screens?
Again out of curiosity, I tried this on XP using windowspager, and to
my surprise things worked as expected: I put the menubar in one
window, glx2 in another, and the dictionary in a third. I could move
around windows and use the various parts without them snapping back to
the menubar window. The one thing I did notice (and this might be a
clue) is that when I got a modal dialog from the IDE it popped up in
the menubar window, so that I didn't notice it until I swapped
windows again.
With that in mind, I notice that in the rev frontscript (button
"revFrontScript" of stack "revLibrary", there's a somewhat weird check
at the start of the openStack handler, in that if rev stacks are in
mode 4 they will snap into the workingScreenRect. You might try
fiddling with that (yes, make a copy of the stack first) to see if it
changes things.
-Mark Wieder
mwieder at
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