ListMagic question LMListEdited

william humphrey bill at
Wed Jul 14 14:35:19 EDT 2010


I am using ListMagic also and have found no answers to my support
questions. It is important to know that ListMagic is not compatible
with tRev (you cannot quit out of a stack using tRev that has
listMagic without runrev freezing with the window open on the "locked
script" of listmagic's stack).

I'm trying to convert all my listmagic fields to DataGrids to avoid
that although it would be simpler to use listMagic if only support
questions were answered or if it wasn't locked.

It is hard to do what you are trying to do with listmagic also because
it's DARN stack is locked. I think the lesson is to never include any
third party anything in any project that is a locked stack. At least
that is the lesson I've learned.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:25 AM, J Scott Saults <saultsj at> wrote:
> Direct support requests to ListMagic have not been answered. Is it still
> supported? Maybe somebody here can help.
> I'm trying to use  LMListEdited to selectively prevent changes in a list
> widget, . I've edited the card script to include:
> ON LMListEdited pWidget,pItem,pLineNo,pOldValue,pNewValue
>   DisplayPrompt "LMListEdited - item" && pItem && "of line" && pLineNo &&
> "-" && pOldValue && ">" && pNewValue
>   set itemDel to tab
>   put pOldValue into item pItem of line pLineNo of pWidget
> Now I expect that last line to replace ANY entry that's changed; if that
> worked, I'd add conditionals. However, it only occasionally works. Exactly
> what events should trigger the LMtListEdited handler - tab, return, enter?
> Changing the item and clicking elsewhere in the field usually seems to work
> (that is, the change is undone, pOldValue replaces pNewValue). How do I get
> other edits intercepted? A user might not click, but press tab or enter
> instead.
> Thanks.
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