RunRev Script Editor and Linux
Peter Alcibiades
palcibiades-first at
Wed Jul 14 04:16:47 EDT 2010
"The choice of software components that makes Linux so appealing to its users
is also the reason that Rev doesn't work with everything."
Jacque, I'm afraid this is really not what is going on. Consider a personal
case. I now use mainly ion2 and openbox as window managers. Before that it
was Fluxbox, before that both Gnome and KDE. This means using at least
three or four different window managers, two different desktop environments,
different display managers also (I have mixed kdm, gdm, xdm, wdm with these
other choices). I've also used different distros during this period,
Mandriva, Debian, Slitaz, Slax....
Everything just works. All the applications. This is the whole point of
Linux, or one of them: it is not about proliferation of choice leading to
instability. Its about having well defined layers and APIs, so that variety
is possible without impairing stability. It makes no difference to a well
behaved Linux application which WM you are running, or which clipboard
manager. If it does, the application has a problem, its not Linux that has
the problem, its not understandable if applications don't work consistently
with different flavors of Linux, it means they are defective.
The worst possible message the Linux users could send to Rev is that
slowdowns and crashes on cut and paste are acceptable, because Linux is just
like that. This is a complete fantasy, as anyone with experience of Linux
knows. The fact is, no editor I have ever used, and this included kedit,
gedit, leafpad, nano, kate, geany (no, I am too old for vim and emacs) ever
crashes or does anything untoward on cut and paste. But Rev does, and its
done it on KDE, on Gnome, on Mandriva, on Debian.
On ion2, Rev will not even run. All other applications run, one or two with
some slightly odd behavior, but none of them simply crash, like Rev does.
(Ion2 is a minimalist tiling window manager, so it behaves very differently
from Gnome, but it is perfectly standards compliant and runs all other apps
perfectly). On no WM does Rev run properly with multiple desktops. This is
another clue if one needed one: all other apps work fine with multiple
desktops, it is only Rev that does not, and it fails consistently across ALL
Rev needs to wise up and fix itself to behing a well behaved Linux app. We
all must under no circumstances let them off the hook on this. Its not
Linux, its not the distro, its not the cilpboard manager, its not the WM.
Its Rev, it is not a well behaved application. And its the one out of step,
its not everyone else.
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