NativeGeometry 2.0.1 - The Geometry Manager replacement for Revolution
Damien Girard
dam-pro.girard at
Mon Jul 12 14:51:29 EDT 2010
I have updated NativeGeometry to version 2.0.1, this versions greatly
improve the user experience, if you tried NativeGeometry 2.0 before, try
this one you will see the improvement!
Also, after user feedbacks, I have made more visible the NativeGeometry API,
because NativeGeometry is before anything a library, in the help center now
you can directly access to the API documentation. (Generated with NativeDoc
1.6 that will be released shortly too ;) )
In addition, a new property appear: set/get the nGeometry. This property
enable you to set the geometry of an object simply.
In NativeGeometry 2.0, you had to write:
put "set the left of me to the leftpadding of this stack;set the rRight of
me to the left of button id 1014 of this stack" into tArray["relations"]
set the NativeGeometry of button "myButton" to tArray
Now, with 2.0.1:
set the nGeometry of button "myButton" to "set the left of me to the
leftpadding of this stack;set the rRight of me to the left of button id 1014
of this stack"
So, dynamically you can faster update geometry relation, NativeGeometry will
take care of discovering dependencies and compiling the geometry relation.
If you have feedback about this version, questions or anything else, do not
hesitate to write me at "support at".
WARNING: NativeGeometry IDE does not works on Linux, there is a strange
problem with "the long id of the target"... The engine is running fine, but
I was not able to make the IDE working right. Will investigate.
Kind Regards,
Damien Girard
NativeSoft, France.
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