My naming convention

René Micout rene.micout at
Sun Jul 11 03:36:20 EDT 2010

Hello Francis,

Le 10 juil. 2010 à 19:44, Francis Nugent Dixon a écrit :

> Wonderful ! I have never seen so many complex
> naming conventions that I am sure you don't follow.

If I bothered to think about naming conventions it is obviously to use it...

> If you do, then it is for who ? If it is for you,
> this means that your organizational solutions
> prime upon your script development and production.
> What a waste of grey matter !

I don't think this is a waste... It is a gain rather.
I code for myself. During 22 years I made many tools for my job (économiste de la construction / ≈ quantity surveyor).
I started with HyperCard... Now, I sometimes modify and improve stacks 20 years old.
Anything that can help me understand what I have thought, or wanted to do when I was 20 years younger is welcome. In the beginning: no comment, no conventions, no method. As to the years, I learned, particularly on this list, organize my scripts could get great service.
> In 5 minutes, you can write a button script to
> list out Variable and Field Names, to ensure that
> you don't invent duplicate names.

I will definitely scare you by telling that I spend 3-4 hours to draw an icon for a button and sometimes several days to find the best aesthetic solution to an interface.
> Revolution scripting is not to be pondered upon.
> Just write it, as it flows out of your brain.

> Forget naming conventions, and spend a little
> time with comments. It beats naming conventions
> every day. If anybody will ever read it except you !

Worse still, I think my code should be "beautiful" (peut-être suis-je un grand malade ?). The great masters of the "Go" say that regardless of winning if the way is not elegant and appearance of the plate at the end of the game is as important as winning.
I have also comment conventions ! I think being definitely incurable ;-)
> I spent years (with Hypercard) inventing a simple
> and strict naming convention WHICH I MYSELF

Since I have structured my scripting, I made great progress.
In 2 months I stop working (la retraite), and I'm going to devote myself to my personal projects. The most complex, currently, "Exagofon" has 1 card, 626 controls. That make music in real time with settings for velocity, tempo, mixing 5 voices, harmonization (chords, frequencies), transposition, and so on...
Without naming, comments, structure I don't think it could work.

But I think it is necessary but not obligatory...

Bon souvenir de Paris

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