Timer Pause script

Jerry Daniels jerry.daniels at me.com
Fri Jul 9 19:55:57 EDT 2010

You can REALLY see with either method. Every iteration.


Jerry Daniels

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On Jul 9, 2010, at 6:48 PM, Bob Sneidar <bobs at twft.com> wrote:

> This is why I like step debuggers (Sorry Jerry, still love tRev too). You can see what the variables REALLY are (not what you THINK they are) at each step of the way. 
> Bob
> On Jul 9, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>> The problem is that the global variable startSeconds keeps the same value so when you restart the timer after a pause, you need to reset the startSeconds to the current seconds less the time already on the timer.
>> Cheers,
>> Sarah
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 10/07/2010, at 8:34 AM, JosepM <jmyepes at mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm blocked :( with this... 
>>> I try to start and stop a timer but with a pause button to pause the time
>>> and continue again once the pause button is pressed again.
>>> I have two buttons, button "b_timming" and button "b_pause"
>>> Also some graphics to show the button icons and display.
>>> The start and stop it's fine, but I don't see how pause and continue where
>>> the time was stoped... 
>>> Salut,
>>> Josep
>>> Script for button "b_timming"
>>> Local  tDuration, lTime
>>> Local lStart
>>> Global gPause,startSeconds
>>> on mouseUp
>>> if lStart is 1 then
>>>    # Stop time
>>>    set the visible of graphic "gr_play" to false
>>>    set the visible of group "gr_pause" to false
>>>    put false into gPause
>>>    set the icon of button "b_timming" to 1023
>>>    set the hiliteicon of button "b_timming" to 1024
>>>    put 0 into lStart
>>>    put lTime into fld "countdown"
>>>    answer lTime
>>> else
>>>    # Start time
>>>    set the visible of graphic "gr_play" to true
>>>    set the icon of button "b_timming" to 1012
>>>    set the hiliteicon of button "b_timming" to 1013
>>>    put 1 into lStart
>>>    put the seconds into startSeconds
>>>    updateProgress
>>> end if
>>> end mouseUp
>>> on updateProgress
>>> if lStart is 1 then
>>>    if gPause is false then
>>>       set the visible of group "gr_pause" to false
>>>       put (the seconds - startSeconds) into tElapsed
>>>       put padNum(tElapsed div (60*60)) into tHours
>>>       put padNum(tElapsed div 60) into tMins
>>>       put padNum(tElapsed mod 60) into tSecs
>>>       put tHours & ":" & tMins & ":" & tSecs into fld "countdown"
>>>       put tHours & ":" & tMins & ":" & tSecs   into lTime
>>>       put 0 into tElapsed2
>>>       send updateProgress to me in 5 ticks
>>>    else
>>>       set the visible of group "gr_pause" to true
>>>    end if
>>> end if
>>> end updateProgress
>>> # this function just makes the time units look pretty by inserting a zero
>>> before single digits
>>> function padNum pNum
>>> if the length of pNum = 1 then
>>>  return "0" & pNum
>>> else 
>>>  return pNum
>>> end if
>>> end padNum
>>> Script for button "b_pause"
>>> Global gPause,startSeconds
>>> on mouseUp
>>> if gPause is true then
>>>    put false into gPause
>>>    send "updateProgress" to button "b_timming" in 5 ticks
>>> else
>>>    put true into gPause
>>>    put the seconds into startSeconds
>>> end if
>>> end mouseUp
>>> -- 
>>> View this message in context: http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/Timer-Pause-script-tp2284161p2284161.html
>>> Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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