post factum Background behavior?

Klaus on-rev klaus at
Sat Jan 30 12:38:09 EST 2010

Am 30.01.2010 um 18:18 schrieb Richmond Mathewson:

> On 30/01/2010 18:33, Klaus on-rev wrote:
>> Hi Richmond,
>> ...        
>>>> That's true but I was heavily convinced that you were able to look up "place" in the docs
>>>> and figure out that a repeat loop of any kind would have solved you problem.
>>>> C'mon yoiu are using Re/MC for LOTS of years now! ;-) 
>>> Fair point; but was extremely tired and lazy . . .  :)    
>> Excuse, excuses, excuses!
>> Whatever, no reason to let others do you thinking/work :-D  
> Surely, "Darling", that is what this use-list is all about!

Not really, honeybun! :-)

Klaus Major
klaus at

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