parental control problems - Mac OS X

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Thu Jan 28 14:31:14 EST 2010

One more strange piece of information.

After allowing our app to be run through Parental Controls, a "_CodeSignature" folder gets created inside the app bundle in the Contents folder. Inside this is a CodeResources folder, which appears to be a plist-style file, except no .plist extension on it. It appears to list the icon files in the Resources folder, as well as a few other things that I'm not sure what they mean. Just thought I'd' mention that if it helps.

Is it time to file a bug report do you think? The bad thing is, I'm still not really convinced it's a Revolution problem. But if it is, this is a very serious issue that needs to get fixed asap if it still exists in the current version of Rev. I believe I used Rev 3.0 when I built this particular standalone. I may try a newer version just to see.


On Jan 28, 2010, at 11:47 AM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

> Jacque,
> Here's some more info from our end. Not sure if everyone is experiencing this same behavior or not, but in our case, the executable inside the app bundle is actually getting damaged. We compared an app that had been launched with parental controls enabled for it and one that hadn't, and the one that had was about 1 MB smaller. When trying to launch the executable directly from Terminal, we get a file read error. So in this case, it looks like no amount of messing with permissions is going to fix the problem. The file is toast at that point.
> Another interesting tidbit of information is that the damage only seems to occur on Intel machines. On a PPC machine, we still have a problem launching the app when parental controls are enabled, but all we have to do to fix it is deselect the app in parental controls. On an Intel machine, this does not work. The app is built as a universal binary. We're going to try building only for Intel just to see if there's any difference.
> Again, this seems to only happen with Rev-built apps. Not sure why.
> Chris
> On Jan 28, 2010, at 10:25 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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