Windows menu bars

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Jan 27 01:06:05 EST 2010

Ron wrote:

> If its not too late, don't forget about the advantage of behaviors when 
> adding all those menus. Maintaining one menuset and then parentscripting 
> all the others has saved me lots of time when I need to change something 
> in one of the menus.

What I've done is to have zero scripts in the menubar at all. It's just 
a bunch of empty buttons. All the stacks are run by a single backscript, 
and there is one menupick handler in there with all the menu items in it 
(it's a pretty short menu.) That means there is only one handler to manage.

I thought about using behaviors, but I didn't see an advantage to it in 
this situation. Would there be one?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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