Open Database On-Rev Examples?
Rick Harrison
harrison at
Tue Jan 26 23:40:23 EST 2010
Hi Pierre,
I'll take a look at this!
On Jan 26, 2010, at 9:38 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
>> function MySQL_idesk_lib tparam1,tparam2,tparam3,tparam4,tparam5,tparam6,tparam7,tparam8,tparam9
>> put revOpenDatabase ("mysql","localhost","user","db_name","password") into myDatabaseID
>> if myDatabaseID is not a number
>> then return "There was an error connecting to the SQL database!"
>> else
>> if tparam1 is "unselect_grid" then
>> put "UPDATE definitions_en_cours SET edit_timeout = '0' WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam3 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the UPDATE statement ..."
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "update_tarif_webstore" then
>> put "UPDATE abonnes SET abo_tarif_webstore = '" & tparam3 & "' WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the UPDATE statement ..."
>> else return tparam3
>> else if tparam1 is "tarif_webstore" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM abonnes WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "There was en error submitting the SELECT statement!"
>> else
>> if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is "1"
>> then return word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"abo_tarif_webstore")
>> else return ""
>> end if
>> else if tparam1 is "addgridtoedit" then
>> put "INSERT INTO definitions_en_cours SET abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "', editable_grid = '" & tparam3 & "', edit_timeout = '" & the seconds & \
>> "', abo_directory = '" & tparam4 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the INSERT statement ..."
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "display_clues" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM definitions_en_cours WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam3 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0" then
>> return revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"h_grid_clues") & "|" & revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"v_grid_clues") & "|" & revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"xml_plot")
>> end if
>> else if tparam1 is "accepted_clues" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM definitions_en_cours WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam3 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0" then
>> return revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"h_grid_clues") & "|" & revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"v_grid_clues") & "|" & \
>> revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"xml_plot") & "|" & revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"CCL")
>> end if
>> else if tparam1 is "publish_target" then
>> replace "|" with " " in h_grid_clues
>> replace "|" with " " in v_grid_clues
>> put "INSERT INTO" && tparam2 && "SET abo_email = '" & tparam3 & "', editable_grid = '" & tparam4 & \
>> "', h_grid_clues = '" & tparam5 & "', v_grid_clues = '" & tparam6 & \
>> "', xml_plot = '" & tparam7 & "', colab_copy_name = '" & tparam8 & "', publish_date = '" & the seconds & "'" into sqlStatement
>> ### ajouter tarif de mise à prix ###
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the INSERT statement ..."
>> else
>> put "DELETE FROM definitions_en_cours WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam3 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam4 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the DELETE statement ..."
>> else return ""
>> end if
>> else if tparam1 is "save_clues" then
>> put "UPDATE definitions_en_cours SET h_grid_clues = '" & tparam2 & "', v_grid_clues = '" & tparam3 & \
>> "' WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam4 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam5 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the UPDATE statement ..."
>> else return "OK"
>> else if tparam1 is "defs_validation_request" then
>> put "UPDATE definitions_en_cours SET h_grid_clues = '" & tparam2 & "', v_grid_clues = '" & tparam3 & "', validation = '" & tparam4 & \
>> "', CCL = '" & tparam5 & "', xml_plot = '" & tparam8 & "' WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam6 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam7 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the UPDATE statement ..."
>> else return "OK"
>> else if tparam1 is "listgriddefstovalidate" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM definitions_en_cours WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "' AND validation = 'defs_validation_requered'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0" then
>> repeat until revQueryIsAtEnd(dbCursorID)
>> if revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"CCL") is "true"
>> then put " >> CCL" into cw_status
>> else put " >> WebStore" into cw_status
>> put "<input type=hidden name=" & tparam3 && "value=" & word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"editable_grid") & ">" && \
>> "grille" && word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"editable_grid") && \
>> cw_status & ", en attente de relecture" & cr after aaa2
>> revMoveToNextRecord dbCursorID
>> end repeat
>> return aaa2
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "unaccepted_clues" then
>> put "UPDATE definitions_en_cours SET clues_reject_notes = '" & tparam2 & "', edit_timeout = '" & tparam3 & \
>> "', validation = '', CCL = '' WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam4 & "' AND editable_grid = '" & tparam5 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the UPDATE statement ..."
>> else return "OK"
>> else if tparam1 is "listgridtoedit" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM definitions_en_cours WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "' AND (validation IS NULL OR validation = '')" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0" then
>> repeat until revQueryIsAtEnd(dbCursorID)
>> if revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"edit_timeout") < -604800+the seconds then
>> put "DELETE FROM definitions_en_cours WHERE grid_id_num = '" & revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"grid_id_num") & "' LIMIT 1" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> else put "<input type=radio name=grid_editor value=" & word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"editable_grid") & ">" && \
>> " grille" && word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"editable_grid") && \
>> " >> réservée jusqu'au :" && to_timeout_date(word 1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"edit_timeout")) & cr after aaa
>> revMoveToNextRecord dbCursorID
>> end repeat
>> return aaa
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "listgridtoccl" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM grilles_pub_en_ccl WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0" then
>> repeat until revQueryIsAtEnd(dbCursorID)
>> put "grille" && word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"editable_grid") && \
>> " >> Creative Commons le :" && to_time_date(word 1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"publish_date")) & cr after aaa
>> revMoveToNextRecord dbCursorID
>> end repeat
>> return aaa
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "listgridtowebstore" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM grilles_sur_webstore WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0" then
>> repeat until revQueryIsAtEnd(dbCursorID)
>> put "grille" && word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"editable_grid") && \
>> " >> WebStore le :" && to_time_date(word 1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"publish_date")) & cr after aaa
>> revMoveToNextRecord dbCursorID
>> end repeat
>> return aaa
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "abo_notes_read" then
>> put "SELECT * FROM abonnes WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam2 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> put revQueryDatabase(myDatabaseID,sqlStatement) into dbCursorID
>> if dbCursorID is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the SELECT statement ..."
>> else if revNumberOfRecords(dbCursorID) is not "0"
>> then return word 1 to -1 of revDatabaseColumnNamed(dbCursorID,"abo_notes_perso")
>> else return ""
>> else if tparam1 is "abo_notes_update" then
>> put "UPDATE abonnes SET abo_notes_perso = '" & tparam2 & "' WHERE abo_email = '" & tparam3 & "'" into sqlStatement
>> revExecuteSQL myDatabaseID,sqlStatement
>> if the result is not a number
>> then return "error while submitting the UPDATE statement ..."
>> else return "OK"
>> end if
>> revCloseDatabase(myDatabaseID)
>> end if
>> end MySQL_idesk_lib
Rick Harrison
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