stack corrupted, loads on 4.0 but not on 4.5

Kee Nethery kee at
Tue Jan 26 11:41:43 EST 2010

Long ago in Hypercard I built a stack that opens a damaged stack and pulls as much as possible out of it and into a second stack. I'd create each card, and then create each button and field, and grab each attribute and script. Very tedious but it created a brand new exact duplicate. Whatever was bad in the original stack would go away in the new stack and for all practical purposes it was now a copy, only it worked.

Just a thought.

On Jan 26, 2010, at 8:06 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Hello Folks,
> anyone here has a clue on how to recover from a corrupted stack. Rev
> 4.5.0-dp-1 refuses to open it but Rev 4.0 loves it just like I do.
> don't want to revert to a previous version of the stack or of rev if
> possible, anyone knows how to solve this?

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