Getting user's time from web revlet?

Andre Garzia andre at
Thu Jan 21 11:14:23 EST 2010

I think the important part of this thread is that the browser does send time
information in the form of an HTTP Date header which RevServer simply
ignores. I want all the headers available, if we don't have all the headers
then we'll loose some information such as ETag, if-modified-since and custom
headers sent by some applications. It will me impossible to implement some
features because the headers are not available

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Robert Brenstein <rjb at> wrote:

> On 21.01.10 at 21:56 +0900 Tim Selander apparently wrote:
>> Hi Mark - yep, that is exactly what I want to do, but haven't figured out
>> how yet. I have learned how to get the user's local time via javascript, but
>> don't know how to pass it to the revlet (actually, it seems I have my terms
>> wrong, typical for a newbie... I'm trying to script this all in an .irev
>> file on my on-rev account.)
>> Someone mentioned cookies, which seems like a logical method -- now to
>> learn how to make and read cookies!
>> Tim Selander
>> Tokyo, Japan
> Are your family members login in in any way? Presumably there is some
> access protection. If so, time zone could be part of the user account data.
> You would not care then what time user computer has (and whether it is set
> correctly).
> Robert
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