BLOBs to files - works great but...

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Tue Jan 12 22:08:13 EST 2010

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Alex Adams <alex at> wrote:
> I have recently added the ability to store files in BLOBs and everything
> works fine on the way in and on the way out.  Thanks Zryip TheSlug for your
> explanations.
> What isnĀ¹t working for me yet is a lack of autonomy of the files restored to
> a Mac OS X.  The files work just fine, if opened by a program that uses the
> file type, but the finder always opens them in a text editor.

Check out "the filetype" in the docs.
By default, Rev sets the filetype to "ttxtTEXT" which means that any
file saved will appear to be a text file.
You can set the file type to the required creator code & type, but now
that Apple no longer supports creator codes, it is much easier just to
set the filetype to empty and let the Finder use the file extension to
sort out which application to use for each file type.


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