Finding the name of a USB volume

Phil Davis revdev at
Thu Jan 7 12:26:14 EST 2010

Hi Richard,

I believe this does include the volume names as they appear in the 
Finder. Look for the "Volumes:" tag in each output line.


On 1/7/10 7:43 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Phil Davis wrote:
>> Here is an simplified 'system_profiler' output approach. It returns one
>> tab-delimited line of info per detachable USB storage device, with all
>> the data items known to system_profiler for each device. NOTE: It
>> expects system_profiler output to be in English.
>> function macUsbDrives
>>     -- get USB device info from system profiler
>>     put shell("system_profiler -detailLevel full SPUSBDataType") into 
>> tData
>>     -- convert data to one line per USB device
>>     replace (colon & cr & cr) with numToChar(245) in tData -- device 
>> name
>>     replace (cr & cr) with numtoChar(250) in tData
>>     replace cr with tab in tData
>>     replace numtoChar(245) with (colon & tab) in tData
>>     replace numtoChar(250) with cr in tData
>>     -- remove records for all but USB drives (English data only)
>>     filter tData with "*Detachable Drive: Yes*"
>>     -- remove space-padding from items in each line
>>     set the itemDel to tab
>>     repeat for each line tLine in tData
>>        repeat for each item tItem in tLine
>>           put word 1 to -1 of tItem & tab after tNewData
>>        end repeat
>>        put cr into last char of tNewData
>>     end repeat
>>     delete last char of tNewData
>>     -- return the data
>>     return tNewData
>> end macUsbDrives
> Very helpful Phil, and I appreciate your posting it, but unfortunately 
> the issue I found with using system_profiler is that it doesn't report 
> the volume name as it appears to the user on the desktop.
> I had hoped there would be some reasonably simple way to get a list of 
> mounted volumes that looks something like this:
> <driveName> <mountPoint> <type>
> ...where <driveName> is the name as it appears in the Finder, 
> <mountPoint> is either "/" or "Volumes/<drivename>", and <type> is 
> either ATA, SCSI, CD/DVD, USB, etc.
> With what I've learned in this thread it seems I may be able to use 
> output from system_profiler checked against output from AppleScript 
> calls to obtain such a list.
> For the future, I see that Jeanne DeVoto had submitted an RQCC request 
> for "the detailed volumes" which could do what I need if implemented 
> as described there:
> <>
> In the meantime, it looks like I have some parsing to do and some 
> homework to figure out the details of getting this info for Win Vista, 
> Win 7, and Linux.  I'll post the result here once I get it working.
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World
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Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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