Conference-DVDs arrived

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Feb 27 03:12:18 EST 2010

Kay C Lan wrote:
> lets hope the
> rest of 2010 brings about an improvement over earlier events.

I have fired up my time warp stack, scooted ahead a small amount -- 
which was no mean trick because the controls are pretty coarse still -- 
and caught a fleeting glimpse as I zoomed by the end of 2020. Rev is 
changing the world. Tots are creating games with it instead of finger 
painting on posterboard, and high school kids are doing Rev-based 
science fair projects. Industry is using it for all sorts of mechanical 
controls, and General Mills automatically drip-feeds plants in 
hydroponic tanks using a Rev-based monitoring system. Tractors have it 
in their dashboards. Toyota adopted it for quality control testing and 
their stock recovered, though their aircars still need some minor 
stabilization. Someone will write a Rev-powered Way Back machine and we 
nearly collided. It sort of looked like me though.

The future is bright. But I still couldn't see where socks go after you 
put them in the dryer. I'll keep looking.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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