an annual calendar somewhere?

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Fri Feb 26 21:14:00 EST 2010

2010/2/26 Andre.Bisseret <Andre.Bisseret at>:
> Thank you much Bob for this nice calendar.
> Also, thanks to the others who added comments, results of trials and
> elaborated.
> I was not waiting for such a "rush" on this topic ;-))
> However, my problem is not solved with this kind of layout. Mostly I need
> that the user be able to highlight periods of the year.
> For example periods when a holidays' house has been rented (or is plan to be
> rented).
> With the present layout that can't be done. One can't drag (in order to
> highlight)  from jan. 2 to jan 9 for example, or from jan. 30 to feb 6 etc
> That why I am looking for an annual calendar with 12 rows/lines, one for
> each month ( or might be 12 columns).

André, if you need some examples have a look to the lab experiment 009


-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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