Default font size

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Fri Feb 26 00:29:19 EST 2010

What I was suggesting is maybe you need to set that to "Use Larger Font", if it isn't already that.

Joe Lewis Wilkins

On Feb 25, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Paul D. DeRocco wrote:

>> From: Joe Lewis Wilkins
>> I'm only running XP, so not sure about yours, but there is a
>> Control Panel setting that might reduce your font size. It's
>> under: Display>Appearance>Font Size
> Well, yes there is, but it affects all apps. The point is that the
> Revolution standalone app now uses a smaller font that everything else, and
> I don't know what changed.
> --
> Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
> Paul                mailto:pderocco at

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