Playing sound in revWeb revlet

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Feb 24 13:38:28 EST 2010

Thomas McGrath III wrote:
> I am having a problem getting sounds to play in a revLet in revWeb plugin.
> I have tried both of these methods using imported audio clips:
> lock screen
> go card 2
> unlock screen with visual effect dissolve very fast with sound "boing.wav"
> and:
> play audioClip "boing.wav"
> Both of these crash the browser window or hang it up in a frozen state. I was wondering if anyone else can play a simple sound in the plugin? Also, I am going to try different formats today to see if that might clear this up. Any experience from other users?

They play in the IDE, right? So it isn't a case of wrong encoding? 
Visual effects aren't supported in revlets yet, so I'd take that out of 
the equation permanently for now.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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