[OT] Languages and cultures (was Re: survey)

Bernard Devlin bdrunrev at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 02:30:40 EST 2010

Please let's stop this discussion about religion and morality.  Those
who like to judge the lives of others, and those who think 'live and
let live' are never going to agree.  They're incommensurable

My apologies for having caused this.  Whilst many others have felt
free to mention their personal lives on this list without judgement,
it's why I have kept quiet all these years.

If this discussion continues I'm sure that people will become more
offended.  I knew it wouldn't be long before Hitler or Pol Pot was
brought up. But even I'm surprised how quickly it happened :-)

Let's just get back to what matters to all of us - Revolution!


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