on standalonesaved

Jim Bufalini jim at visitrieve.com
Mon Feb 22 07:49:30 EST 2010


You wrote:

> Dear all,
> i need to process the standalone files  after they were created. So i
> thought i could use 'on standalonesaved pFolder'. But pFolder only
> contains the target path, which was selected in the standalone build
> process.
> I am working under Windows. Under Windows the standalone is not created
> in that target folder directly. The standalone builder creates an
> additional folder in this target folder. If i create the standalone
> multiple times, the name of this automatic created folder is numbered
> consecutively.
> Is there any way to process the files in this automatic created folder
> by script?

As you note, the standalone builder creates a directory under the directory
you select and appends a number each time you build. Also, depending on if
you are building for just Windows or other OSs, the EXE file you are looking
for could be directly under this numbered directory or in a "Windows"
subdirectory. So...

Let's say the directory you select to save in is called MyRevPrograms and
the name of the standalone is MyProgram. Set the defaulFolder to
MyRevPrograms. Use the *folders* function to return a list of folders under
MyRevPrograms into a variable. Use the *filter* command to filter the
variable with only folders with the name "MyProgram*" (note the asteric).
Sort the variable descending. Line 1 of the variable will now contain the
last build directory name. Append this directory (with a slash in front) to
the defaultFolder.

If you built for multiple OSs then you would have to append /Windows to
this. This is where your EXE and stacks you included in the last build will
be. So you should end up with something like:


Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

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