Newsfeeder - an RSS reader

Jim Bufalini jim at
Wed Feb 17 09:23:14 EST 2010

Jeff Massung wrote:

> Again, for those of you who use RSS regularly, I'd be interested in
> knowing
> what features are important to you... and better still, what is lacking
> from
> the current reader you use.
> Thanks for the compliments, everyone.

I am also not a heavy RSS user and the reason is I don't want to be
inundated or have to scan through tons of information that I am not
interested in. To the best of my knowledge, when you subscribe to an RSS
feed, you receive any changes to that site, or portion of site. If the site
is an active forum, for example, this can be TMI (Too Much Information).

So, while you say:

> Yes. That's the idea. For example, if you were had a lot of news feeds,
> and typed "iran" into filter area, the only headlines that would appear
> would be those that had Iran somewhere in the title or body of the

What I would really like is to be able to have a preference that is
*specific to each feed* I subscribe to, and be able to type in some filter
words or phrases. If the word or phrase is in the headline or body of that
feed, then notify or otherwise show me the headline. Otherwise,
"automatically" and  completely delete the headline item from the database
or however you are storing these (I also don't need my HD being filled up
with info I will never read).

And, I don't want to have to be manually typing in filter words multiple
times a day.

This would remove my "resistance" to subscribing to feeds, knowing I can
always filter a feed down "right at the door" to what I know I would be
interested in from that feed and not have yet another flood of information
to deal with. It would not bother me in the least to not see anything from a
specific feed for days or weeks or more.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

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