Drag and drop from browser bug?

David Bovill david.bovill at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 09:05:46 EST 2010

Try this url (http://david.on-rev.com/tests/drag_image.html) - it is an
example of a file that the browser and finder handels fine - drag the image
onto the desktop and it is downloaded - but there is no way to do it in rev
as there is no useful data in the dragdata.

Shall I file it as a bug?

On 12 February 2010 22:35, J. Landman Gay <jacque at hyperactivesw.com> wrote:

> David Bovill wrote:
>> Thought this used to work? Do earlier versions set the dragdata correctly
>> when you drag and drop an image from the browser?
>> Testing on OSX - but images that you can successfully drag and drop onto
>> the
>> desktop - but you are unable to get useful data out of the dragdata. I'd
>> expect that the dragdata ["files"] would be set to the url of the image -
>> but it is empty and the dragdata ["text"] is vaguely related to the url of
>> the image in that it often is - but sometimes can be a useless piece of
>> javaScript like "javascript:void(0);". The Finder obviously handles the
>> dragdata correctly - so is this an OSX bug or?
> Which version of Rev? In 4.0, if the image has a link, I get the link URL.
> If there is no link, I get the URL to the source image on the server. These
> are in the "text" value. The "files" value is empty.

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