[ANN] Move controls in tRev Object Browser with the new ZOOM!

David Coker davidocoker at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 13:09:09 EST 2010

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Jerry Daniels <jerry.daniels at me.com> wrote:
> Fellow Rev developers,
> We just posted this video showing the new control manipulation in tRev's
> snapshot mode:
>    http://reveditor.com/need-to-move-controls-in-card-snaps-zoom
> Here are the details:
> Controls in Zoom:
> - zoomed cards now show a fully functional list of controls
> - control line items in list are draggable and names are editable
> - zoomed cards also have the scratch pad
> Move controls in Zoom:
> - controls in snaps can be dragged
> - controls in snaps can be moved with arrows
> - - plain arrow = 1 pixel
> - - shift arrow = on 10 pixel grid
> - - option arrow = align to next controls side

Hey Jerry, I can't say that I ever found any difficulties with
previous versions, but I just finished trying out the new "zoom and
move control" features and they are awesome!

It seems that I am always "tweaking" on control positioning, so I have
a tendency to spend more time in the Rev editor than in tRev... I
believe that will now change with these new additions.

Can't speak for anyone else, but I appreciate all the work you are
doing on tRev.
...it's just good stuff!

Best regards,
David C.

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