Noise in Windows icon when standalone compiled on Mac

Bruce Pokras infinite00 at
Tue Feb 9 21:59:20 EST 2010

On Feb 6, 2010, at 3:37 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Bruce Pokras wrote:
>> But what happened to "write once and compile for multiple  
>> platforms" when you need separate computers to make the apps look  
>> right? I don't buy the excuse that some kind of "improvement"  
>> makes Rev 4 unable to do as good a job with an icon as Rev 3.5  
>> did. That is not an improvement in my mind, and I hope that the  
>> Rev developers don't think so either.
> It doesn't bother me at all. Icons are an external resource and  
> we've always needed a third-party app to create them. The old way  
> of embedding Windows icons was based on Windows 95 and had some  
> unusual requirements even back then. I'm sure you've bumped up  
> against the restrictions for icon size, color depth, number of  
> icons in the file, etc. With Vista and Win 7 it became apparent  
> that the file structure needed to be updated so that Rev apps would  
> function like any other on that platform and comply with standards.
> So all that is required is that you use a different icon editor  
> than the one you used to use, one that creates icons that fit with  
> today's file structure. I don't know what you were using before,  
> but for now there aren't many Mac alternatives. If someday one  
> appears, you can use that one and not need a Windows machine.
> There were some good reasons to change the file structure,  
> including the ability to certify your Windows apps with a manifest,  
> just like any other Windows program. That's necessary in today's  
> more restrictive Windows environment. Vista introduced some stiff  
> security measures and your app is more likely to fail if it doesn't  
> comply. That change doesn't mean that Rev is deficient -- in fact,  
> it indicates that Rev is keeping up with the OS -- but it does mean  
> you need to change the icon editor you use. Virtually any newer  
> Windows icon editor will work. To date, almost no Mac one will.
> What were you using before?
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> HyperActive Software           |


I used the now unsupported Iconographer.

BTW, I used the free Windows app you suggested on my "new" XP laptop  
to convert my OS X icon to a Windows icon and it worked great. Thanks.


Bruce Pokras
Blazing Dawn Software

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