Planning/design/estimating checklists

Kee Nethery kee at
Fri Dec 24 11:22:35 EST 2010

I include a script in every card I ever create:

on sanitize
-- reset everything to the state I want it to be when it gets distributed
end sanitize

I've heard of another doing the same thing with

on stripandship

Then on the very first card I have two scripts that are

on sanitize
 repeat with x = 2 to the number of cards
  go to card x
 end repeat
end sanitize

on sanitizeFirst
-- reset everything to the state I want it to be when it gets distributed
end sanitizeFirst

Several things happen with this.
1. I am assured that I reset things the way I want them
2. I can test each card's sanitize script independently to make sure it does everything I want
3. If a card does not have a sanitize script, I get an error and I make a sanitize script for it
4. I don't have to remember anything other than when I create a new field or button, I need to add it to the sanitize script so that it gets set appropriately before I distribute it.

Works for me.

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