OT: Problems with Inserting Odd Characters into PostGreSQL

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Tue Dec 14 00:04:18 EST 2010

  On 12/13/10 11:04 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> A search of the LiveCode dictionary for encode reveals the uniEncode function. This might be what you are looking for.
> BTW (and please nobody hate me for saying so) (and this is not directed at the poster or anyone in particular) a LOT of enquiries on this list I find the answers for by doing simple finds in the LiveCode dictionary, or for other issues google searches. We should all make it a principle we code by that we try to find the solutions ourselves before posting.

You make a good point Bob... I do tend to go begging here. My problem is 
that I don't know enough about some things to even know what to search for.

I never thought of a curly quote as a unicode character  I always think 
of it as an ANSI... And Spanish fits into ISO 8859-1 as does the curly 
quote: these are single byte characters; so why do we need uniEncode? 
But, you are right I should to ask these questions in the PostGreSQL 
forums and not here.

Probably I should ( and usually do) use my Experts' Exchange account for 
this type of thing, but sometimes I think that these threads end up 
helping other LiveCoders. and If we do it outside this list then it is 
not seen.

I know I get a lot out of responses to "dumb questions" by newbies, even 
though I did not post them....

> That being said, I learn a lot myself by looking up these things for other people.:-)
> Bob

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