savingStandalone Problem

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Dec 13 18:59:18 EST 2010

On 12/12/10 7:08 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> I have the following code in a savingStandalone handler in the script of
> my main stack:
> go to card "FieldPrompt" of stack "Prompts" as modal
> if the dialogData is not "Cancel" then
> set the BandTrakVersion of stack "BandTrak" to the dialogData
> end if
> The modal window is displayed and I enter the version number I want,
> only it doesn't get saved into the BandTrakVersion custom property. This
> used to work, I'm pretty sure, but has suddenly stopped working.

It should work as long as the dialogdata has a value. Check your prompt 
handler to make sure it's setting that. Is this for your own use only? I 
usually just use the message box to set the version custom property.

> The reason I'm doing this is that I haven't been able to find a way to
> access the Short Version information in the Standalone Applications
> Settings, OSX tab and I want to display the current version of the
> application in the standalone so if there is a way to access that data
> I'd be happy to use it instead of rolling my own..

The short version is stored in your mainstack in the 
revStandaloneSettings property set, but those properties get stripped 
out during a standalone build, so they wouldn't be available to your 
standalone scripts anyway. Using your custom property is the best way to 
keep a permanent reference.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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