Various newbie doubts about LiveCode

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Mon Dec 13 09:10:46 EST 2010

Andre, Giuseppe, 

Andre is right, is't ? In this case, LiveCode just push us to do anything we need at the speed of tough ;-) 

Here are some charts out of a PostgreSQL backend as directly requested and displayed by a LiveCode RIA standalone client in using only standard build-in commands (no server-side coding, no reports an charts are external 
packages even if using them is always best in ROI terms) :


Best Regards,


Le 13 déc. 2010 à 14:24, Andre Garzia a écrit :

> Pierre,
> I think Giuseppe is probably building desktop apps because as far as I know
> REALStudio does not build server side stuff. Giuseppe, I think LiveCode can
> do anything REALStudio can. I am a former REALBasic user (long ago, 2002 or
> something) and while I think their product is great, I decided to move to
> LiveCode due to the increased productivity.
> I've developed many applications using postgreSQL and MySQL and LiveCode,
> both server side and client side. I can't show them to you because they are
> not mine. Usually I am subcontracted to build a library or webservice while
> my contractor is building the main software, so things are not mine to show.
> If your need is simply to be able to Query a PGSQL server and process and
> present the data. Your needs will be well server and LiveCode deploys on
> more platforms than REALStudio so you get some cross-platform bonus in
> there.
> cheers
> andre
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Pierre Sahores
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